The Litter ‘M’ puppies have arrived.

Sire: 5xCH Little Pixie Face Arthur

Dam: Amelie Pete Tong

2 females, 2 males

D.O.B. 04/10/2016

If you’re interested in a puppy from a litter we have emailed you about, you must then email us back to show your seriously interested.This way we can keep you updated with the progress of the litter including the most recent pictures and videos of the pups. Puppy announcements and pictures will be posted in the Members-newsletter first.

Amelie Pete TongArthur

Amelie Pete Tong: She’s 4 years old and was born in our kennel.

Her Patella Luxatio test is 0/0 and she has a breeding test.

Little Pixie Face Arthur: He was born in 2014.

He has achieved many titles: HJCH,Bg.Ch, Bg.GCh, Balkan Ch, 2xCAC

And the Puppies…

This is the 2nd announcement of the Litter ‘M’.

We have started the reservation period of  the puppies in the Litter ‘M’ and we inform our waiting list members for the very first. We accept secure deposits to hold the available puppy until proper age of pick up.

If you are interested one of our puppies or if you have any questions or need more information please send us a message.


One of our favourite Frenchies! He has a dark shaded fawn coat and he is a little copy of his father. We love his developing and great temper. Always ready for action, even on a rainy day.

Max Pete Tong

So handsome! Macho is a real heartbreaker. He has nicely curved body and always ready to pick up a show stand. He has lighter fawn coat and his mask is lighter as well.

Macho Pete Tong

She shows health, full of life, agile. She is the most curious puppy in this litter and she is a really clinging type puppy with always widened dark eyes.

Mira Pete Tong


Our smallest but most characteristic beautiful puppy girl. Always remember me a quota: “A puppy is but a dog, plus high spirits, and minus common sense”

Mini Pete Tong